Wood Worker –
Evan has defied all odds when it comes to conquering his physical handicaps.
Evan is blind, deaf and depends on a wheelchair. Yet none of these minor inconveniences have stopped Evan from pursuing his passion for crafting beautiful wood creations (and beautiful is an understatement).
Evan’s case is very unique, considering that he works with a staff member from Customized Options Non-Profit who is also deaf. The two communicate using tactile sign language. In addition, Evan can tell the difference between types of wood just by touch and has a knack for which types of wood work best for all of his creations. With safe guidance during crafting, Evan amazingly and successfully uses some electric tools; but you can be assured – all of his woodcrafts come directly from his personal design ‘visions’.
We are delighted to share in this experience with Evan and look forward to someday helping him launch a website to sell his wood crafts (once his website is created, we will supply a direct link from our website to his). We welcome you to check our website often for additional updates as we continue to work with Evan and other individuals served on their personal and career objectives.